Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Our field trip group held a Valentine's Day party.  I had to work, so I wasn't there until the end, but they girls had a fun time.  Everyone got to exchange Valentines.  They played lots of games, sang some songs, and had a "banquet" at the end.  I'm so glad the girls get to do group things like this even though they aren't in school.  The bonus is, the party isn't just part of the day or something at the end.  The party is the highlight of the day because you go there just for that.

Don't they just look full of love!
Gwyn's youth group did Valentine's Day babysitting as a fundraiser.  Celee and Lyla had a Valentine's Day party at their gymnastics place.  So Jason and I got to go out!  Woohoo!
We started out our romantic evening at AutoZone after we had dropped all the kids off.  If's funny what a free evening has become.
We did go to Snickerdoodles in Hampstead afterward for dessert and coffee.  We sat and enjoyed talking and being silly while the snow fell outside.  It was nice to just sit and enjoy each other's company with no rush to finish eating and leave.  I do love this man!
When we did leave, the snow was coming down like crazy!  We actually got into a white-out situation on a road that crosses corn fields.  The crazy person behind me was honking for me to go, but I literally could not see the road.  So they could go around for all I cared.  We crept along when the wind blew a clear moment, and finally made it to the church to pick up Gwyn.  It wasn't as dramatic by the time we went to get Celee and Lyla thankfully.
It was a very quaint Valentine's Day.  Nothing big, nothing dramatic other than the driving.  It was just a day of spending time with people we love.  I am one lucky lady!

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