Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Friday, May 15, 2015

SCCK Field Day

One of the great things I love about our co-ops are the things like Field Day.  And Field Day is one that SCCK does well.  All the kids get together and go in groups to each game station throughout the day.  They had great games like frisbee golf, hoola hoop challenges, clothing relays, pizza box stacking, ping pong challenges, and dodgeball.  I don't think Gwyn wanted me to take her picture, but it was all so fun!  After all the games there's a huge pot-luck and then everyone just hangs out while the kids play.

Toward the end of the day, I realized I had not seen Celee in a long time, so I started walking around looking for her.  Then I started asking if people had seen her.  Now, I don't get freaked out about loosing me kids often, but I must admit I was starting to worry.  I was imagining her having a nose bleed and passing out somewhere that we couldn't see her.  I didn't really think someone had taken her, but I was starting to worry.  Other people started helping me look for her.  Finally, guess where she was?  In a tree.  She didn't hear us calling her or see us all wandering around looking for her.  She was in a tree.  Whew.  So naturally then everyone else had to get in the tree too.  As Charlie Brown would say, "Good grief."

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