Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

EB Field Day

We got two field days this year.  Eternal Blessings had a field day too.  It's a smaller co-op, but still a big group of kids.  They played games like egg relays, balloon tosses, three legged races, and jumping rope.  The groups are divided up by what grade the kids are in.  This would be ok, except that some homeschool families pull the whole "You do nth grade math or writing or whatever, so you're in nth grade no matter how old you are."  I do not do this, so Gwyn's peers often say they are in higher grades than they really are and she ends up the only girl her age in her group.  It's a bit silly to me.  For games like this, it should be age based, but whatever.  It is what it is.
This field day is interesting because they picked a verse for the kids to memorize.  They had to recite it as a group at each station, sometimes normal, sometimes in a crazy way like to the tune of Happy Birthday or with a British accent.  It was pretty neat.

After the picnic lunch, all the kids just played capture the flag (which usually turns into just chaotic tag) and played until it was time to go.  

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