Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sometimes you need goggles to eat watermelon...

     This past week has been a bit hairy.  Jason hasn't felt well.  I've been a little stressed.  But we still managed to have some fun.  Thank heavens for the pool!  Actually this past week was hit and miss because of some freakishly cool weather.  But when the girls could stand it, we went swimming.  I say "we" but really it was "they."  I generally love to swim, but sometimes I just want to hang out in the sun and read.  It is so nice to have three confident swimmers and a small pool where I can see all three at one time complete with a lifeguard.
     Lyla cracks me up with her goggles.  She wears them whether she's in the water or not.  Or maybe she just didn't want to get watermelon in her nose.  She and Celee have a running tie on who is the messiest eater.
     Art club was once again fun.  The girls finished up some projects they had started on previous weeks and got to make tin foil sculptures.  And Marta had the popcorn flower project hung up.  Her art room looks so pretty with all the projects hung!  I can't wait for the gallery day!

     One of the cool days this week we got the scooters out and went to the playground.  I don't know where all the other kids in the complex are - school hasn't started yet and I know a lot of the moms stay home, but we had it to ourselves.  As crazy of a climber monkey Lyla usually is, for some reason she had monkey bar anxiety.  She finally got over it and crossed them by herself.  And of course she kept crossing and crossing until her fingers wouldn't hold her anymore insisting I watch each time.  :)

     Pet update:  Guess what Moxie's been watching?  She almost finished watching the entire Netflix-available seasons of Doctor Who.  Tink on the other hand could care less who kills or didn't kill the Doctor. She just wanted to roll in the grass every day.  Bless her little heart.  Her knees make it hard for her to walk sometimes so I have to walk her super slow, and her skin has been super itchy lately so she's just pitiful.  She only livens up when she thinks she's going to get chicken to eat (not happening very often in my kitchen lately)  or another small dog threatens to invade her space (which includes any area she can see).  Yes, I have the crotchety old lady dog that barks and snaps at other people's dogs and carries on even if they are across the street.  Oh, well.  She's still a sweety and we love her.
     We went to another Ironbirds game.  Celee had won tickets from the campout and so the girls got to invite a friend.  This game (against the Staten Island Yankees) was not as exciting as our first one.  It just seemed like everyone playing was off on both teams and it was taking a loooooong time.  I don't even know if they won or not.  They were up at the end of the 7th when we left.  We decided there were no fireworks that night and the girls were bored so we left.  Baseball is mildly interesting to me, but I can only stay interested for so long and after two and a half hours, it would take something exciting to keep my interest.  The girls did get their cotton candy though so they were all happy.

     Notice the long pants.  Cool weather!  Where did my heat go?  I need just a few more sweaty weeks!  I don't want to be cold yet!
We decided to defy the "No playing in front of buildings" sign.  A maintenance man did come by, but he just complimented the girls on their jump roping so I'm figuring they don't take this rule too seriously.  We are all definitely looking forward to a yard!

     I realized that I have never taken pictures of the girls at our new church.  Lyla decided to go cowgirl in her style today, so it was a good day to document that.  Lyla's age group is "Upstreet."  Gwyn and Celee are in "The Loft."  The kids in the Loft get to play in a pretend band each week during their worship songs, hence the drum set.  The drums actually work (how could a drum not work?) though so it makes for interesting additions to the music.

     We had the home inspection done this weekend on the house we have under contract.  Everything came out good.  It was the shortest repair report I've ever seen so that's good.  And what was on the list was pretty minor.  Cool beans with me.  So now we just wait and continue to get the paperwork all in order. The closing is set for September 27th.  Yippee!   Again, God is so good and I am so very thankful for this gift!

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