Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Cat club and Ironbirds

I didn't take a while lot of pictures this past week for some reason, so I'm having a hard time remembering what we did! I know we rode all over northern Baltimore county, and parts of Harford and Carroll counties trying to get a feel for the distance to some outlying towns and the houses on the market right now. We actally fell head-over-heels for one property only to find out it was full of black mold.  :( The girls spent the night with friends one night.  We went to the theater and saw Despicable Me 2.  (So funny!  But I wouldn't recommend paying to see it twice in the theater - Lyla and I had already seen it during her only child week, but that's what the friends we were with wanted to see).  We met some new friends this week.  Gwyn met a new friend who happens to love cats. (Do all 10 year old girls love cats?) So naturally said girl got invited to cat club.
     Cat Club met at Oregon Ridge Beach this time.  Once again they had a craft planned and Gwyn made fish cookies (cause that's what cats would eat).  But mostly everyone swam and played on the beach.  All the older girls could pass the swim test so they stayed out on the platforms a good bit.  Lyla and her friend (representing Dolphin Club) stayed in the shallow and in the sand.  I live these clubs because they girls really have taken full responsibility for it and so all I have to do is get them there.  Then I get to chat with the adults present.

     Celee had tickets to the Aberdeen Ironbirds game this weekend.  Her troop was one of the ones chosen at the campout in June to sing the National Anthem to start the game.  She practiced a lot!  When we actually got there I noticed she had left her paper with the lyrics in the van, but she assured me that she had it memorized anyway.  She sounded good too!  In the clip she is in the center of the crowd.  I don't know why the crowd yells "Oh" at that point in the song unless that's an Orioles thing.  That's the only thing I could think of.
     The girls also got free hats at this game.  Lyla kept asking me if we liked the Ironbirds and I just responded, "I guess we do now."  So the girls have officially declared that we will root for the Ravens, the Orioles, and the Ironbirds.  They have no college favorite at the moment.
     The Ironbirds won.  Yay! There was a pretty impressive fireworks show at the end of the game too. Not in the choreographed Disney type way, but in the lots of fireworks constantly for a long time with lots of noise type way.

     We officially told our apartment management that we are not renewing our lease, so the pressure is on!  God has really been kind to us and me specifically lately.  I just keep getting reminders that He is with me, He loves and delights in me, and He has plans for me and my little family.  So I would love continued prayers for patience and discernment as we look for houses and try our best to be faithful with what He has given and what He has planned.  

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