Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Saturday, October 4, 2014

CCPL Programs

I got the chance to start doing some history-based programs through the Carroll County Public Library.  My first one was a War of 1812 programs for upper elementary students.  We made flags like the flag would have looked on 1812.  I had also made a huge map on a sheet (with Gwyn's help) of the Baltimore-DC area so we could play out the events of the Battle for Baltimore on the map.  This was really cool because the kids get to manipulate things on the map while I told hen the story.  We learned about the British getting fooled at St.Michael and the burning of many towns on the Chesapeake. We learned about why DC was left with so little defenses and what happened after the British won at Bladensburg and then marched into the capital.  We found out how Dolley Madison saved many things from the White House including a famous portrait if George Washington. Then of course, we learned about the British attempted to take Baltimore and were repulsed by the city' defenders and the soldiers at Dirt McHenry.  And naturally we didn't forget the Star Spangled Banner.  The kids then got to create a picture if something that struck them from the story.  Most if them made pictures of Washington burning.  I guess I told that part the most dramatically.

My second program is a recurring series. I'm doing a monthly program focusing on one American Girl Doll and her time period.  My first one was Caroline and the Awar if 1812.  We made paper "ships" and race them across our Lake Erie (the table).  We read an excerpt from one of the Caroline books and discussed how brave she had to be to go try to help her father free he was captured by the British.  The ship races were a hit and so took up more of our time than. I had planned. Consequently the girls had to take home an embroidery project we didn't have time to start.  Gwyn, Celee and Lyla had a lot of fun.  And the other girls seemed to be having fun, so I'm calling it a success!  I'm so looking forward to next month's program!

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