Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Fun times

Lyla's Girl Scout troop began working on their Painting Badge a few weeks ago. We studied some different styles of artwork then got down to the fun business of making their own.
We decided to paint with homemade puff paint. Anything where the girls get to squirt shaving cream is pretty awesome. They really enjoyed mixing the colors in too. Then they used the paint to make either a landscape or a portrait. The shaving cream paint made every painting an abstract by default. They did an awesome job!

We also got to go to a family picnic with our field trip group. The girls played corn hole, and tag, and climbed all over the swing set. The big hit was the awesome rope swing though. They swang and swang over and over. It was nice for Jason to finally meet some of our EB friends. It's usually just me and the girls because most of the field trips are during the day. So Jason finally got to see some of these people that we talk about.

Gwyn also had her first Youth Night at Wesley. It's weird to think of her as "youth." I have a hard enough time with her being a middle-schooler, much less youth. Que sara. It's a small youth group for 6-12th graders and the kids are really great. I love that the high schoolers don't seem to be bothered by having middle schoolers in there. They just go with it. They sang and made up skits and played games, and of course had a nice cream bar. Win win!

Celee's Girl Scout troop is busy planning a tea party. This troop doesn't mess around! They are busy completing two badges at once, Social Butterfly and Playing the Past. I still wish Girl Scouts hadn't gotten rid of most of the outdoorsy type badges, but a party is pretty fun!

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