Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pet parts

This past week was the final week of the girls' menus.  Celee chose scones for the breakfast one day and I had made home-made whip cream to go with them.  Then that went perfectly with the pancake people she had put down for lunch.  It was a high carb, high sugar day.  And it was so yummy!  At least their was fruit involved.

     One day we tried out only taking one vehicle into town.  This involved Jason dropping us off, picking us up, us taking him back to work, then us picking him up again at the end of the day.  This worked for that particular day.  The girls ran to Jason when we picked him up that afternoon.  When they were all walking back to the van, they just looked so cool together!  Jason said he should photoshop an explosion going off behind them in the picture, but we don't want to blow up Firaxis!   But watch out for this team!  They mean business!
     Our church had a trunk-or-treat on Friday.  There were trunks people had decorated and stocked with candy of course for the kids to trick-or-treat at.  They also had lots of carnival-style games.  Gwyn and Celee even won two goldfish!  We thought the fish weren't going to make it home in their little baggies because it was so cold.  They made it though and are thriving so far in a vase on the kitchen counter.  I must mention that for some reason Lyla is deathly afraid of spooky costumes and decorations this year?  She totally freaked out in a Halloween store at one point and Jason had to leave with her.  Even at the church trunk-or-test she would not not even approach a trunk if they had any kind of ghost in the decor.  And the various kids who dressed like scary things sent her clinging to my legs every time.  She's more along the Spookly the Square Pumpkin speed this year.  

     Gwyn and Celee's soccer party to end their season was this past weekend.  The plan had been for the kids to play the parents and family.  Lyla was especially excited to play.  She was very disappointed when we got there and the plan changed.  The green team ended up playing the blue and red team in an "everybody on the field" game.  At first there was an equal number of players on both sides.  But soon the rest of the other teams showed up.  Our 8 green team players were against 17 other players.  All on the field at the same time.  Remember also that the blue and red teams were the "winning" teams out of the league.  Gwyn and Celee's coach just kept yelling, "It's green against the world!"  I think the mob of players worked against them though, because they didn't win.  The girls had fun and they all got a trophy.  However you may feel about participation trophies, my girls were proud of their very first sports trophies.

     Jason and I got to go to a costume party Saturday night.  This is the only picture I got, and you can't tell what it is! I dressed up as a box of Cracklin Oat Bran and Jason was the hand puppet that is obsessed with them from a fake Internet commercial.  This is one of those obscure Internet memes that only Jason and the people he works with may understand.  But that's mostly who was at the party so it worked.  Wearing a huge box for a costume is both fun and not fun.  I came up with some cool dance moves with it, but you can't sit down without taking it off.  
     Sunday the girls' troops celebrated Juliette Gordon Lowe's birthday at a get together for all three troops.  They got to listen to a Juliette impersonator, play old-time games like flip the pancake relay and hoops. Gwyn's troop also presented the women they did research on to the younger girls.  Gwyn chose Queen Theodora.  She told the other girls all about what Theodora did that was noteworthy and what aspect of the Girl Scout law she embodied.

     The farm helping is winding down.  Next week is out last week!  I must say that I am proud if how the girls have done their work with good attitudes.  I think they have learned a lot about taking care if animals and they have a more realistic idea of the amount of time and poop it all involves.
     One other cool thing is that we are participating in a nature exchange.  We are making a little natural history museum in an egg carton and next week we have to mail it to someone in another region.  We happened to get paired with a little boy from Sillsby, TX - only a little ways from where Jason grew up!  Then we should receive one from him in return.  It's neat because the girls had to find 12 things from our area to put in it and we have to identify them.  The rocks are hard for us, maybe because we have never done that before.  The trees aren't too bad.  I was super disappointed that a skull we found and its tooth we were going to include in the museum ended up being a domestic cat.  Poor kitty!  I don't want to include pet parts in the museum!  

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