Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Monday, October 7, 2013

A Week for Teeth

Well we had an eventful week full of teeth-related happenings.  Gwyn got spacers put in on the same day that I had oral surgery.  Apparently (unknown to myself) I had an infection at the base of a tooth that I had crowned when I was 19.  So in order to save the tooth, the endodontist went through the gum instead of removing the post.  Yuck.  So Gwyn and I were both pretty po' all that day.  At least hers was only sour for a day or so.  Mine wasn't fun and my mouth is still sore.
The next day Lyla lost her first tooth!  She was so excited!  She had been working on it for a few days and wasn't even freaked out by the blood.  (She usually is freaked out by blood)  We can't find our Tooth Fairy Pillow that the girls always leave the teeth in.  It must still be packed up.  But she was ok just putting it under the pillow - even though that can make it difficult for the tooth fairy to actually find it when she comes.  She was happy with her $1 either way.  (Our tooth fairy may be considered stingy by some, but a tooth is only worth a dollar in my mind)
The day after that Gwyn got her remaining three baby teeth pulled.  Her permanent teeth were coming in on top of them.  Those boogers did not want to come out!  And it was making it hard for her to eat because her mouth was sore all the time, so the dentist went ahead and took them out.   It was funny to hear her try to talk.  And she was kind of out of it for the rest of the day.
The day after that I got the sutures out from the surgery.  That was also not pleasant, but man it felt better to not have that mess irritating my lip and tongue.
Celee and Jason made out the week with no teeth-related happenings.  Thank heavens because dentistry isn't cheap!

     At our History Club this past week, the kids also got an art lesson.  We looked at some of the work by Pieter De Hooch.  Marta did a great job getting the kids to notice the framing and detail in his paintings.  Then they all got to sketch an interior of their own.  I think this is something we will try more often.  Especially now that we have some really nice art supplies. (and the space to get it all out)
     Speaking of space.  I was again reminded how very thankful I am for our new home.  We still don't have all of our furniture here, but the previous owners left a card table and some folding chairs that we have put to good use eating dinner out on the deck.  The girls and I picked some Fall flowers and they set the table.  The evening was so very lovely and peaceful.  I'm looking forward to many fun times spent on this deck!
     Saturday turned out to be a hotter day than we all expected.  After the girls played a soccer game - It was their first win! - and Jason and I moved two more loads to the house we all went to cool off in the stream.  The water is super cold, but I imagine that in the middle of the summer it won't seem that cold.  It felt good on Friday.  We found another skull that we are working to identify.  Lyla played River Mermaid for a while.  Gwyn convinced us all to walk the stream down to a trestle.  Celee just has fun playing outside and looking for crawfish.

     We started in on the storage unit this week.  Almost everything that we can get on our own is out of the apartment.  Three out of four rooms that I want to paint are painted.  And Jason's tools got moved in, so he can build things now right?  It's all coming together.  I am trying to take things one day at a time and one task at a time.  Just like I try to tell Celee when she's overwhelmed with her math, I have to focus on the one thing I'm doing right now and not worry about the rest of the page until I get there.  

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