Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Trip - Part 2

We made the drive down to Hattiesburg after a few days with my parents. The weather is wonderful here too. Just hot enough, but not sweaty. One of the first things the girls always go for if these big inflatable globe things that Monty keeps in her garage for them. They are hollow and you can get inside them and battle each other. But the girls always find new games to make out of them too. This time the globes were islands surrounded by lava and they had to keep jumping from one to the other.This is harder than it sounds as the globes don't hold air as well as they used to and they roll when weight isn't evenly distributed on them.

On Tuesday we decided to drive down to the coast and play at the beach. So we made the hour and a half drive to Gulfport. The Mississippi beaches are not super nice, the toilet bowl action of the water between the shore and the barrier islands always leaves the beaches less clean than one would want and the water less clear. None-the-less we enjoyed it. It was a nice day and the girls got to play pirates and sharks and hunt for treasure and build sand castles. They chased the seagulls and sand pipers. They found pieces of shells. I collected bottlecaps. And we did a little Earth Day observance (a day late) by picking up some trash off the beach. They were not ready to leave and Lyla had completely soaked her entire dress and gotten sand in her hair, so we headed over to the playground hoping there was a shower there. There is, but apparently it is only turned on in season, so she just had to air dry as best she could because we headed for the outlet mall. The girls all got a pair of Crocs there. Not the big chunky kind, the narrow girly kind. The salesman in the store was an interesting man, but he earned his commission trying to find a shoe that both suited and fit Celee. I'm not sure why he alternated speaking in almost baby voice to the girls at times and normal voice, but he appeared to enjoy his job.

We practiced for our upcoming 5k Mississippi style today. Meaning in the rain. I knew it was going to rain eventually, but I was hoping we'd be done by the time it really got going. So we started off in a light drizzle, which is actually quite nice. I admit that I have not encouraged the girls to practice very much for this race. It was more along the lines of every now and then realizing "We really need to go run before the 5k!" So I'm pretty sure it will truly be a 5k run/walk for us. I'm still glad that they are going to do it with me. Then I can let loose for the 10k the next day! (Not that letting loose will look like much. I run slow as all get out, but at least I know I can run the whole distance barring any crazy accident or injury). Anyway, they did make it the whole 3 miles in increasing rain. It did lightening once too and I was very glad we were almost back to the house when it did.

I got to go have lunch with my friend Emily at an Italian restaurant called Tabella. It's always nice to spend time with friends who have known you since those awkward preteen years. We just pick up like we see each other more than the twice a year that I make it back home. On the way back I took a detour to Triangle Seafood. I kept seeing all these shows and advertisements for crawfish so I knew they had to be in season. I was not disappointed! So I got three pounds and took them home to introduce them to my girls. Well, I have one crawfish lover at least. Lyla said they were too creepy. Gwyn just kind of ignored them and me. But Celee tried them. They were a little Cajun spicy, but so good!

For our last Mississippi day the girls got to play in the rain and puddles. They have been begging me to do this for quite a while, but there's really no where to do it at our apartment so today was their day. It was a little chilly after a while, but they had a blast running through the yard and sliding in the puddles. Tomorrow we're off again, this time to the MidWest where it is no where warm enough to play in any rain, so I'm glad they got to do it here.

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