Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Trip - Part 1

I did get the planter built and filled before we left on our trip. I was afraid all the little plants I've been babying in the kitchen were going to die if I didn't get them in a real planter before leaving. I had to borrow a saw from a friend to complete the project, but it did get done.  (I do have a saw, several in fact.  But they are burried in the "storage" room with no hope of coming to light until that is cleared out.  That is a project I hope to tackle when we get back.)  Hopefully in a few weeks we will have fresh kale, spinach, lettuce, and herbs to feast on!
We did make the long trip from Baltimore to Decatur Mississippi in one day.  It was 956 miles and took us 16 hours, but we did make it.  And it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  It certainly wasn't something I'd look forward to in and of itself, but it was ok.  We stopped a few times to walk and get a drink and a look for a few geocaches.  We were pretty zone-blazed when we got to my parents' house though.  To top it off, Gwyn and Celee were both sick that night so we didn't sleep very well at all.  I was basically a zombie the next day.  Thankfully we did a lot of restful things.  The weather was beautiful and warm and sunny, so I sat out in the sun for most of the morning half dozing.  We did get to go fishing later in the day.  I did not actually fish.  The girls and Mimi and Papaw fished.  I laid on a grassy bank, in the sun, and dozed some more.  I was generally being a bum.  And it was so nice.  The girls caught enough fish for us to have fish for supper too.

My parents have a huge patio in back of their house and the girls almost always have a blast with chalk back there.  I thought their artworks were quite nice.  I especially liked Lyla's "chicken." Maybe I'll get motivated to print the pictures when we get back. I think they'd make neat pictures to hang in a playroom or, in our case, where-ever I can find a spot in the apartment.

Speaking of chickens.  It's that time down here.  My good friend Holly's family had 50 chicks that the girls got to play with while we were visiting.  Then my Uncle Robert had a batch of chicks in his barn that we played with too.  Oooh I miss our chickens!  I can't wait until we can go get our own one day!  It is funny to me that Lyla really wants to hold the chicks, but she's super scared they are going to poop on her.  Celee is scared to hold them because she doesn't want to accidentally drop them and hurt them.  This is exemplary of their personalities to me.  :)  Bless their hearts they both tried, but I pretty much held them while they petted them.  Too little exposure I say. 


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