Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Thursday, August 14, 2014

And then there were two...

Lyla got to go to resident Girl Scout camp this year.  We made the drive up to Camp Conowingo for her to attend "Be Brave" camp with two of her friends.  I think it's funny that they do a lice check before they'll let anyone actually stay at the camp.  I know it's a good thing, but there's always a little anxiety - "What if I have lice and they make me go home!"  Lyla did not have lice and so got to go to camp.  :)
I'm so glad that the camp takes pictures and posts them to a parents' facebook page.  That meant that I could see pictures each evening of what Lyla was doing each day, and grab the pictures to keep.  So each day I sifted through pictures of the 150 girls there looking for Lyla.  Apparently she had fun because she's happy in each shot!

We picked Lyla up on Friday and she was a bit emotional.  I think it was tough being away from all her family for a whole week, but after a bit she perked up.  Then she couldn't stop talking!  She had to tell us all about painting a horse, climbing the rock wall, the meals, the camp counselors, the songs, so many things!  And like I thought she would, she fell asleep in the van on the way home.  Camp Conowingo wore her out!
Meanwhile, the rest of the family went ParkQuesting.  We got a demonstration of how a loom works at the Stepping Stones Museum.  It would have been a "meh" tour of the museum if this guy hadn't given us a personal tour and told us so many stories.  
We also had friends over during the week and played in the river a good bit.  The kids discovered a treasure trove of golf balls that someone is hitting in to the woods and river.  So now I have a bucket full at my house waiting for someone to think of something to do with them, as none of us play golf.  We also got out the bows and had an archery contest.  I must say that I need some practice!  I'm glad no one counts on me (or the kids) to shoot something for food.

Gwyn and Celee also caught up on some reading this week.  Then they got to pick up some prizes at the library as part of the summer reading program.  The good prizes are raffled off and every book you read gets you a ticket.  Gwyn is hoping for the Kindle and Celee is hoping for a pass to the Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum.  :)
We went on another ParkQuest to Patapsco State Park with friends.  Once again, a might have been boring quest turned interesting after we bumped into a wonderful man with lots of stories.  We learned all about the B&O railrod, the river and bridges, and the various industries that used the river before it was a state park.
Then of course we had to go play in the river because man it was hot!

The river wasn't enough though so after we finished another quest, we went back to the neighbor's house to swim!
Celee is still helping out at the horse riding place.  She is really getting good at putting on bridles, feeding and grooming the horses, and getting in and out of the saddle by herself.  I'm so glad she has this opportunity to gain some experience and confidence with horses!
And since she has to get up early to work at the horse stable, she also got to go to the farmer's market with me.
Like I said, Camp Conowingo wore Lyla out!

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