Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmastide and the end of another year

Happy Christmastide! I decided a few years ago to celebrate the twelve days of Christmas beginning on Christmas Day and ending on Epiphany. This, to me, gives more time to emphasize the story of Jesus' birth than it all ending when the presents are unwrapped. Never-the-less, the presents are unwrapped (except for the small one I give each girl on Epiphany), the carols have stopped playing in the house, and the mood is not quite the same. I was talking with family about life and it was remarked,"I never knew! You're blog is always so upbeat!" So I guess I'm more melancholy in person than on the blog. But then again, the blog's purpose is half diary, half catharsis for me. Writing things down in the best possible light helps me to focus more on the good than whatever temporary worry is happening at the time. All this to say, who wants to read a blog of me complaining? I'll save that for real life. (jk).
Bieber Creeper followed us to Mississippi. He wasn't very creative in his mischief, but he did try to steal a present from us that was tucked in the tree.

The girls and I went to the Childrens's Museum in Jackson on Friday. They had such a good time! They found areas to play in that they hadn't done before, like the giant juke box and stage where they busted out some moves. After we picked up Jason from the airport on, (the day the world did not end) we went to the Bass ProShop in Jackson. They had lots of free activities for kids like shooting targets with guns and cross-bows and playing with remote controlled cars. They did have a free picture with Santa, but as Lyla still has an irrational fear of people in costumes, we didn't wait in line for that. She has actually never had her picture with Santa.
We had a great time in Decatur. We got to see lots of family. I got some really cute videos of Pete teaching the girls how to foxtrot and rumba. The girls got to play with chickens and paddle around in a boat on our Uncle Roberts' farm. We got to hang out with the Chamblees, many of whom we hadn't seen in a while. I love my kids playing with the kids of my cousins who I played with growing up! We also got to go play with 3 week old Shih Tzu puppies at Mrs. Karen's house. As the girls kept saying, "They are sooooo cute!" Jason and the girls also built hut in the woods out if sticks, bark, and pine straw. They wanted to build a fire in it but we nixed that. We all drove over to Brandon on Christmas Eve to spend time at Chris and Jerry's. We got to go to their church's Christmas Eve service and then had a super yummy dinner at their house. Jason and I had gorged ourselves on deer sausage prior to dinner so we were pretty miserable after the meal. It was all too good to pass up! We all got to hang out and catch up. The kids got to play. We opened some gifts and then it was all over too quick. We do have a Christmas tradition of driving from either Decatur or Brandon Christmas Eve night down to Hattiesburg. We listen to Christmas music and look at lights all the way down 49. We even stay on the lookout for random fireworks along the way.

We arrived at Jason's parents' house that night and after the Toots calmed down we all got into bed. I woke up Christmas morning and panicked because I could hear people awake downstairs and no child had woken us up! They hadn't even gotten into their stockings yet! So we gave them the ok and everyone started unwrapping. The girls each got a few things that they especially wanted. Wii Just Dance 4 has been quite the hit with everyone. I finally got my record player which promptly got used to play Teresa's old Christmas LPs. (Later I got to play old Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings ones!). Jason got more Legos than he can put together. Then we all laid around in our pjs playing and eating all day. Casey and his wife Brandy came over later and Lyla has a new cousin to love. Watch out Jeffrey! TJ is the moving in! Just kidding - Lyla is quick to point out that she loves Jeffrey and TJ, but not in a "kissy" way because they're her cousins. It is nice for all of them to get to play - all five of the kids played office and school and Wii for most of the evening.

We're in that weird week now in between Christmas and New Years. I think all of us are feeling a little strained after the Fall we've had. We all, even the Toots, kinda want to go "home" but we want to stay with our family too. Gwyn mentioned she wants to go home but she doesn't really know which home she wants to go to. Is the apartment home yet? Is our house not home anymore? Hopefully it will be bought soon by some lucky family and that can be removed from the equation. Either way, moving in the late Fall has had it's particular challenges. I am looking forward to what this new year will bring. We have so many possibilities! And so many more things to explore in Baltimore. I'm already thinking what kind of good habits I need to try to form this year. Not exactly resolutions, but commitments to do certain things more intentionally. I keep thinking about a guy on the radio I heard who recommended saying "make it a good day!" to your kids instead of "have a good day," to emphasize the role of attitude and intentionality in how our day goes. I keep thinking about that in regards to the new year. It's not that 2012 was a bad year, I just want to be more thoughtful and intentional this year. So Happy New Year! Make it a great one!

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