Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Chocolate Bomb!

I haven't been taking many pictures lately.  I realized this as I sat down to write.  I usually get my phone and look at the pictures from the past week to remember what has gone on and what I want to write about.  According to the pics on my phone, my week has consisted of a playground, UNO, chocolate bomb cake, and a science experiment.  The playground picture itself is kind of sad because we found the two playgrounds on the apartment property this past week.  I took pictures of the little one, but not the big one for some reason.  I do know the reason, but I'll get to that.  It was cold that day, hence the coats.  After we went to this playground we walked over to the bigger one which is very nice.  It's on a big terraced hill which I think will be super fun to sled on when it snows.  There are also big boulders placed around the playground that the girls (and Jason) enjoyed climbing on.  It's kind of a pain to have to cross a busy street to get to the playground, but we'll take our fun how we can get it.  :)

One reason that I didn't think to take many pictures this week, and that there weren't many things to take pictures of is because I was sick most of the week.  Not the usual "mom's sick but she still does what she usually does" kind of sick.  I was the lay in the bed unable to function sick.  It did come and go, which is why there was a trek to a playground at all, but for the most part I was out of commission.  Based on my symptoms I actually think I had the flu.  I don't know how I got this and no one else did - knock on wood.  I will say I am very proud of the girls during all this.  They did their school work.  Gwyn and Celee even helped Lyla do a lot of hers when I couldn't.  We got through the stuff that had to be done so as to not get behind.  Also Jason really was such a sweetie.  I know it's probably horribly old-fashioned, but I hate it when I don't have a hot-meal at least in the makings when he gets home from work.  I even feel bad when it's left-over night.  But he had to make several meals last week and he was so sweet about it all.  (Of course, it may have helped that he didn't really want me making his meals with my sick-germs)  I even got flowers out of the whole ordeal.  :)  Thankfully I do feel better now and can don the apron again.  (I actually don't wear an apron, but maybe I should start!)
 We've discovered the joys of UNO.  This is one card game that Lyla understands and can keep up with.  The girls get SO very silly when we play this.  I posted something about having to tell Lyla not to hold her cards with her butt.  This is because they all roll when she sticks her cards under her and does a crazy booty-in-the-air move to see her cards when it's her turn.  Of course we can all see her cards when she does this too, but you can't tell her that.  They get pretty loopy doing this so the humor goes down the toliet anyway.  It's fun to play games with the girls after dinner each night.  I hope it's something that they'll remember with smiles.  Gwyn will probably kill me one day for posting this picture of her!

Since I felt better I felt the need to cook something horrible for me.  So I chose the chocolate bomb cake I pinned on Pinterest a while ago.  It's a chocolate cake-brownie-chocolate cake layered cake with chocolate frosting and chips all over and inside.  It's pretty scrumptious if I do say so myself.  I didn't eat much last week, so I think I'm making up for it with this cake alone.

Lastly, since we all feel better we did Lyla's science experiment today.  We took ice cubes and put them in a cup on the counter.  Then we poured 2 cups of water in pot on the stove.  We boiled the water and watched the steam.  Then we measured the water after it had boiled for a while.  We also checked the ice in the cup to see how it had melted.  Then we got to draw things on a chart that were either solids, liquids, or gases.  It was fun!  Especially seeing her realize what a gas really is and that there are lots of liquids that aren't water.  In hindsight, I'm really surprised that conversation didn't go the potty way.  Ahhh.  Small victories.
I can't believe that next week is Thanksgiving!  I've ordered a turkey from an Amish market that I'm excited about.  Gwyn has already planned out the menu.  And we pick up Jason's mom Saturday at the airport.  Yippee!  It's going to be fun!  I will ask my peeps to pray for the sale of our house.  It's a source of tension in that I keep thinking things are settled for a while (months at least in my mind) and then things keep popping up that demand rethinking and discernment.  So I guess my prayer request is for continued settling here and security for the girls as well as discernment and peace with decisions surrounding our house for sale.  And of course that the house does in fact sell.  What a great Christmas present that would be!

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