Adj. 1. inquisitory - diligent and thorough in inquiry or investigation; "a probing inquiry";

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

So let's start this thing!

 I've had several people ask me if I blog and so finally I thought maybe it would be a cathartic way to let people who are dear to me (and people who possibly are just mildly interested) know what's going on in the Montgomery household.  I envision that this will be where I'll prattle on about whatever happens to be on my mind - like our decision to homeschool our 3 girls next year (spoiler!), what I learn about chickens and goats, what Scripture is pressing on me at the time, what repurposing project Pinterest has spawned in my house, or generally whatever is on my mind, probably with tangents. 
     For today, I'm getting used to being at work at 5am.  I actually woke up pretty OK 10 min. before the alarm went off this morning.  It is nice to be done and ready to face the day (which usually is code for kids, mine and otherwise - I somehow almost always have extras around) by 9am.  I so love that my espouso is able and willing to get the girls up, dressed and ready for school by himself.  He's a keeper! 
On a side note - I looked up "espouso" to make sure I was spelling it right, and the spanish dictionary only had "esposo" but I distinctly remember the "u" in my feeble attempts to learn Spanish in Guatemala.  Is this a regional difference?  I do remember some of the Guatemalan Spanish words being different than the Mexican Spanish we were taught in school.  Ex. The color orange as anaranjado vs. naranja.
The decision to homeschool has been a long-coming one.  It's been a thought in the back of my mind since before Gwyn started preschool, but this past year it became something we both starting thinking and praying about.  Nothing dramatic happened to forment this.  I actually really like the school my girls go to.  The teachers and staff there are top-notch!  However, I think God has been teaching me a lot about my role in my girls' lives and preparing me to make some radical changes in response to my role as a steward of them.  God has also been softening Jason's heart toward it as well to the point that we decided just because something was good enough for us as kids didn't mean it is what is best or good enough for our girls in this season of our lives.  I've been blessed with a passion to teach, the opportunity to stay home with my girls, and the willingness to take some risks in the name of pursuing something higher than the mediocre.  So we're stepping off into a new season of homeschooling.  I know that this won't be easy, and I know there are going to be days with me (and the girls) wanting to pull hair out.  Mine or theirs.  But I thought the other day - that's what it was like to teach in a traditional classroom too.  It definately wasn't easy.  There were definately bad days, but there were good days too.  And I had classes of kids who were in different grades, with different learning styles, personalities, and needs.  I had to plan out my curriculum then as now.  What's different now is that they are mine.  There are 3 of them.  And I hope we can step out of some boxes and pursue some interests and rediscover our love of learning and hone our inquiry skills.  And, my hope is for Jason and I to raise our children while they still are "ours."  Our time of primary influence is so fleeting, and I hope to use it well.


  1. Yay! Welcome to the blogging world!!! Jess got me interested in blogging a few years back! Since I have started it I love it! Even was able to print my blog into a book for Christmas gifts! I look forward to reading all about your girls and your journey! :)

    1. Thanks April! I've enjoyed keeping up with you and yours!

  2. So excited for all of your endeavors! I aspire to someday have a family like yours :)
